Bug 858: area in mesh missing

Tie points for project.

Area is not missing in high detail mesh:

Hi Bill Isenberger

the missing area, can try open it when next time restart PC ? so it could be just some issue with proper loading of that particular part of the model…

Hi Wishgranter,
Opps… I spoke to soon. I thought restarting had fix the mesh, but after further scrutiny it doesn’t appear so. I’ll try again to make sure and report right back.

Hi Wisgranter,
Restarting the computer did NOT fix the missing area for the normal quality mesh.

Hi Bill

try clear the cache. if its not just some issue with this.

try SIMPLIFY model = say 50% reduction if get the part back or not.

Hi Wishgranter,
Clearing the cache and simplifying did not bring the missing area back. As indicated above there is no hole in the mesh when reconstructed with high detail.

Hi Bill

can try reconstruct again on NORMAL if get again a hole there ?

Hi Wishgranter,
The hole is still there on the new mesh reconstructed with normal quality.

Hi Bill

Make a backup save, delete component, REALIGN and recon on normal…

Hi Wishgranter,
The hole is still there. It looks a little bigger, maybe because I didn’t use a reconstruction region.

I’ll try one from scratch without control points and let you know what happens.

This was created from scratch. No control points were added.
With normal quality reconstruction there is a hole, but in a different place (and smaller).

Hi Bill

Interesting… its look like something with proper alignment there.
can im ask you for the images ? :smiley:

Hi Wishgranter,
Will try to upload today.

Wishgranter wrote:

Hi Bill

Interesting… its look like something with proper alignment there.
can im ask you for the images ? :smiley:

Hi Wishgranter,
I sent you a PM with a link to download the images. Let me know if you don’t get it and I’ll send the link via regular email.

I included a text file with the GCP’s along with a screen grab that shows the project with the GCP information, if you want to play around with that as well.

I just encountered something similar.
It’s not really holes but areas with huge triangles, although some are missing.
Simplifying did not help.
I used about 450 images locked down by XMP and aligned 8 more to those.
A different alignment with the same images (actually the parent where I got the XMPs from) was absolutely fine…

