Bug 6983: What are red lines through files in component listing, and can we permanently resolve them?

After alignment for a large scene (~4000 images), I’ve begun to see that in the largest component, some of the images will be shown with red lines and erroneously marked as zero tie points, as shown in this snapshot:

Clicking the above ‘Enable image…’ context hover-up (shown above) resolves each red line in a given block – but these come back after subsequent alignment.  Sometimes – not reliably.

What are these line lines?  I can find anything in the documentation.

How can we avoid them? 

I think you can safely assume that these images are not used in that particular component because they could not be properly aligned/no fitting match could be found/image quality is low or bad/not enough coverage or overlap in that area/one of dozens of other possible reasons.

Hi Kevin.

Heh, i do not remember which shortcut do this. But this lines mean you accedently disabled this images. If you do not did this, you can enable them back with [+] button.

Sometime i disable blurred images because RC can’t delete them from project for this moment.

Thanks @Vlad and @ShadowTail,

I didn’t disable these images – as I wrote, I keep re-enabling these blocks and RC turns them off again.

The images are aligned, and have plenty of tie points, so it seems something else is going on here.

I have noticed this behaviour once but was not able to work out the cause. Could you please describe in detail what all had you done before the red lines appeared?

Hello, @lubenko,

To answer your question, here are my steps:

  • aligned groups of images

  • exported components

  • imported components in fresh scene, cleared cache

  • assigned lock group to the component with the most images (both lock group and ‘lock on continue’)

  • aligned the components, iterating the lock step for each group of images that joined the largest component

It’s persistent for me – a block is locked out with every align.

Thanks for any suggestions!

could you please explain the last 2 bullets in more detail?

and what RealityCapture license are you using?

does this happen also with a different dataset?

Hello, @lubenko,

To answer your question, here are more details on the last two lines:

- assigned lock group to the component with the most images (both lock group and ‘lock on continue’)

After alignment, I selected ‘lock on continue’ for the images that were added to the largest component, so that all the images in the component were set to  ‘lock on continue’ before launching the next alignment round.  I also made sure that all the images in the largest component were in the same lock group, ‘1’.

- aligned the components, iterating the lock step for each group of images that joined the largest component

After locking the new images in the largest component, I added a new group of control points and re-aligned.  Over many iterations I was able to bring most of the images in the set into alignment.

Each time, some of the images were blocked out.

I haven’t seen this problem in another data set but will check back in I do!


what RealityCapture license are you using?

this seems to be a metadata cache problem but we have not been able to reproduce the issue yet

Happened to me too a few times, but never permanent…

Also no clue what could cause it…

@lubenko, I’m using the current release as of this posting date…


RealityCapture version RC