Bug 6153[Solved]: Sketch Fab Export

So I have been using Reality Capture for over a year now and Just had to reinstall it after restoring my computer. However, Now when I try to up load my models to Sketch Fab a white bar shows the screen with no information on it. This is also happening when go to close with out saving in stead of popping up a “do you want to save box” it is just an empty white bar.

Hi connorreynolds21

Screenshot of the issue ?

connorreynolds21 wrote:

So I have been using Reality Capture for over a year now and Just had to reinstall it after restoring my computer. However, Now when I try to up load my models to Sketch Fab a white bar shows the screen with no information on it. This is also happening when go to close with out saving in stead of popping up a “do you want to save box” it is just an empty white bar.

Hello Connor,
it might be a problem with IE. Can you please send us version of your windows and IE?

The Screen shot is attached.
IE Version: 11.1000.16257.0
Update Version: 11.0.41

do you still experience the issue?
what RealityCapture license type and version are you using?

I would also recommend you to try this: How and when to reset all settings?

Yes, the issue is still happening.
I am using
Version: Steam RC

Is there any update on how I can fix this problem yet?

connorreynolds21 wrote:

Is there any update on how I can fix this problem yet?

Hello Mr. Reynolds,
try to use this fix for another issue:

[SOLVED] Sketchfab account upload limit / login issue

please let us know if it was solved or not. Thanks.

I tried the registry fix which I thought worked because the sketch fab login popped up and I entered my info. However, after authorizing the login it went back to a white bar.

connorreynolds21 wrote:

I tried the registry fix which I thought worked because the sketch fab login popped up and I entered my info. However, after authorizing the login it went back to a white bar.

OK, this just confirms that it has nothing to do with sketchfab upload, but every message dialog is broken.
We will try to reproduce this issue, but right now I am not really sure what might be happening.

Can you please check Security settings in IE?
Open IE \ Tools (In top menu bar) \ Internet options \ Security Tab and check please security level for every zone (especially local intranet) and also check restricted sites.


I went into my IE security settings and changed them to low. It did not seem to work.