Bug 512: Stalled after aborting texturing

I realized that I needed to change something on the model while it was texturing.
So I aborted the process but it did not end.
After much longer (half an hour) than it should have taken to finish the job (I am doing many many very similar parts and did texture this one before), the console still shows the same percentage (77) and seconds left (171).
There is nothing unusual about the size (2.5m tris) or number of images (188@12mpx).
The program is still responsive, meaning I can work with minimized bar.
Memory consumption seems rather high with 92% physical and 51% virtual memory (of 32 GB each) and it does not change anymore…
I am going to terminate it now via tm.

Tried to kill the process - it vanished trom the taskbar and task menu in tm but the process won’t disappear. Memory consumption is unchanged.

seems similar to this to me: Bug 512: Texture Generation stuck
anybody else having a similar issue? trying to reproduce it, pinpoint the cause and find a solution

Mine was not ex- and imported though.
But who knows.
I cannot come up with any other clue, since it worked with almost identical data dozens of times before…

I am encountering this problem more and more often.
Seems to be more pronounced since the last update.
Texturing progresses quite fast until 70-80% and then slows down exponentially.
It should take only several minutes but it just remains with between 200 and 300 seconds estimated to finish.
Yesterday, it took several hours and the current one is approaching half an hour at 83%…
250 images @ 12 mpx and 2.5 million tris

If you are using a fixed number of textures (say, 8x 8k) give it one more texture.

RC may be stuck finding a way to fit everything on the available texture space and that one more texture may be what it needs.

That’s an interesting suggestion. Although usually in those cases the files are not nearly full and it is totally different even with similar or identical models. I’ll try to keep it in mind though…

I just encountered this problem again.

Lost quite a bit of work.

Is this going to be fixed anythime soon?