[Bug 4.6 Preview] UMG Image as material wont show in Standalone

I have a widget dedicated to the background image for the main menu. It uses a material to animate some effects and when played in editor everything shows up and works fine. When launching a standalone game however, the image does not show up. I switched the UMG image for a straight texture and it shows up fine.

Hello ,

I have a few questions for you to help narrow down the issue that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. When you say that you have “a widget dedicated to the background image”, what kind of widget are you using specifically?
  2. Could you provide screen shots of your issue?
  3. Is this a project that you upgraded to 4.6 or is this a project that was created in 4.6?
  4. Can you reproduce this in a clean project?
  5. Can you provide accurate steps to reproduce this issue?

Sorry should have been more clear. My background widget blueprint has one widget in it of type Image. The project I originally tested with was upgraded from 4.5 > 4.6. I also tried it on a new project and the issue remains.

Steps I took:

  1. Import background image (Note: My image I’m using is non power of 2)

  2. Set texture properties to UI group and TC_UserInterface2D

  3. Create unlit material with only the texture in emissive color (use with UI is checked)

  4. Create widget blueprint with an Image widget item

  5. Assign the material to the image under brush (Appearance > Brush > Image)

  6. Play in editor = Shows up

  7. Play Standalone = Black

  8. Replace Image with the Texture used in the material. Play standalone = image shows up.

I have tried this with a material with only a color property in the emissive slot and it also shows up blank.

Hello ,

I followed your steps and the material that was produced appeared as it should have. It was not blank or blacked out. Have you tried to reproduce this in a clean 4.6 project?

I have tested it on a brand new project as well as another computer and I’m having the same results. I’ve uploaded a video showing you my process exactly and the results it produces. - YouTube

Hello ,

After seeing the video I was able to reproduce the issue. I have submitted a report ( UE-5628) to the developers. Thank you for all of your information and time. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. I also found a workaround for this issue. It may be applicable in your situation. I hope it helps.


  1. Create a new widget (I called mine the “Master” widget)
  2. Take the widget that is not working and place it in the “Master” widget (via the User created section)
  3. Size widget, place widget, and organize the Zorders of the widget appropriately

Make it a great day

It still is a problem in 4.6.1 material isn’t showing

Hello Colbra,

Thank you for the update. I have confirmed this on my end. As I said in my previous post. I will provide pertinent information on this issue as it becomes available.

Make it a great day

It still is a problem in 4.8.0 material isn’t showing, and I can’t resove it by create a “Master” widget.

Hello ,

I was unable to reproduce this issue on our end in 4.8. I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed set of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any blueprints that may be involved with this issue?