[Bug] 4.11 Preview 2 Crash with UserDefinedStruct

My structs were working for a while, but now on my 3rd struct, it crashes when I add a variable set to StaticMesh, or change a variable to StaticMesh, I’ve even had it happen when I deleted a variable set to StaticMesh. I created my own C++ class derived from UserDefinedStruct… it proceeded to crash the project when I built it and now does not show up in the content browser :frowning:
Also, my project now sometimes “crashes” when I close it, not a big deal since I’m closing it anyways, but thought I should report.
Attached is a zip of various log files that may help you! They may look the same at first sight, but there are a few different lines with each one.


Forgot to add this one to the zip!


I have a few questions to help narrow down your issue:

  • Are you getting a Crash Reporter window? If so, could you please provide your Machine ID as shown in the window and ensure that you hit Send on the report?
  • When you’re setting the Static Mesh, are you using the same mesh every time, or does it crash regardless of which mesh you add?


After some investigation, it appears that this crash is a known issue in our database (UE-25449). Thank you for your report. I will update the bug report with the information from this post.

Have a great day

ID: 7D7412064FF59C0651C7AB94047CFE18
Yes, static mesh only, I was able to add 14 bools, but when I changed a few of them to static mesh, it crashed.