BUG 24188[Solved]: LSP not viewable in 2D window

Edit: Just seen the other forum post!

Hey Guys

I am trying to combine LSP files (imported PTX files that I registered in RECAP Pro) and drone images(DJI)—the alignment was not successful although it should be. :slight_smile:

Accepting the fact that the alignment was not successful I am trying to align via control points—but somehow I cannot view the LSPs in the 2D windows. When I drag and drop them nothing happens. Any idea why that is? Is that even possible? According to the RC-Youtube-channel one should be able to show the LSPs in the 2D, right?


Hello dear ,

We are glad you’ve found the solution, if you experience any other issue make sure contact us.

Hi Erik

I did not say that I have found a solution. I have just said that I have seen that this topic has been discussed here as BUG 24188. But the problem is not resolved as far as I can tell.



Oh then sorry for misunderstanding. I’ve looked at the bug and good news! It will be fixed in the next release. 

If this bug is restricting your work processes then contact us at support@capturingreality.com and we will try to help you.