I renamed one of my projects by “save as” and deleted the old one. When I tried to open the new one again, it would not open. Luckily, I had the old one left and after undeleting this, it worked again. I only figured this out because in the rcproj file the old procect-name was still referenced.
In my opinion this should not happen though - a new project is a new project and needs to be independent…
so you deleted just the RealityCapture project file, did you?
what exact error message did you get on opening the new project?
Hi Lucia,
no, of course I deleted the folder as well. I just tried it and, as to be expected, with the (old) folder present and only the old rcproj deleted, it works since the files are still there. That is no good though because the folder needs to go due to disk space…
Error mesage (red bar): Path not found - Error loading component.
Here the end of the new rcproj file as viewed with notepad:
<component name=“Component 0 (2)” id=“{A6BA56FC-BBD7-4566-AFBD-EBCA79CEFDDE}” classId=“{21845778-D8E3-435C-9493-2E39FEE10F29}” fileName=" EGn \sfm2.dat" selectedModel=“-1” sfmVisible=“1”>
<metadata fileName=" EG \metadata0.dat"/>
<entities name=“entities” fileName=" EG \entities0.dat"/>
<controlpoints fileName=" EGn \controlpoints0.dat"/>
As you can see, there are two instances, where the old name (EGn) is present in the new file (EG).
I figure I could just manually rename the false path in the new rcproj file, right?
it happens to me just when there is an imported component in the project (otherwise it works just fine), which is apparently also your case here; tested on RealityCapture Promo,
so could we leave this as your feature request from the link above?
There is definitely no imported component in my sample project though.
Or do GCPs also count as component?
could you please try a different project with GCPs then, maybe even more of them if this happens to them, too?
What do you mean? I’m not exactly sure…
So are GCPs considered as a component?
There are already about 60, which is plenty I think…
I mean if you could try using the save as function with a different project with similar content and review if you are experiencing the same
Ah, I see. Not at the moment, there is no other project like this right now.
I tried it with a small number of images and imported the same points again, without doing anything with them. In that case, it worked as it should, meaning the second file created with “save as” opens even if the first one is deleted. But it is only a very fresh and small project, it might still happen with a larger one that has been worked with…
could you please send us the data for inspection via our contact form? please refer to this forum thread, when sending it
I would imagine that if you “save as” RC creates a new .rcproj file, but all the referenced data files stay the same. Thus, when you remove said data files, RC naturally cannot find them anymore and therefore gives that error message.
Please correct me if I am wrong here but that is my assumption on this behavior.
Lucia, do you mean the rcproj only?
ShadowTail, RC creates a new folder with each new project of the same name. The problem in my case was that in certain parts the older project was still referenced, which should not happen…
since this seems to be related to the project size and GCPs, it would be best to provide us with the complete non-changed data structure for inspection
Hi Gӧtz,
did you have any problems saving that project? I mean that the first attempt failed e.g. due to insufficient disk space or something similar?
Similar problem has been reported to us once. In the project file there were incorrect paths to some parts of the project probably caused by the incorrect saving during the first attempt. However, we were not able to reproduce the problem.
Can you please try to change the paths in the project file and open again (without the old project folder)?
Hi Lucia,
the project is quite heavy, so it’s gonna be difficult.
So I’d rather try Zuzanas suggestion first.
Zuzana, no I did not have any problems during saving that I can remember. I’m doing a calculation right now but as soon as it’s finished, I’ll do what you recommended…
Hi Zuzana,
just changing the path in the project file did not help.
However, it made me think and I checked the new folder - it had only a few KB. So I looked and the sfm2.dat and the controlpoints0.dat were both missing in the new folder. Once I copied those into the new folder, it worked.
So what happened is basically that RC kept the older file path and all the changes must have been saved there.
Hello Gӧtz,
thank you very much for reporting back.
I am glad to hear that you managed to solve the problem. However, this seems like a bug on our side. Using Save as function should create a new project file and folder independent on the previous one.
Which drive did you use for saving the project and cache? Was there enough space available? In order to fix this issue, we need to be able reproduce it. Therefore, any additional information would be very helpful. Thank you.
Hi Zuzana,
as fas as I can still remember, there was literally nothin different from all my other projects that I did before.
Space is an issue at times, but I don’t recall it being the case at the time of saving, otherwise I would probably have made the connection. And usually RC gives either a fair warning, does nothing or just crashes.
Your question gave me another idea for a test:
I “saved as” from both files, the old one with the weird behaviour and the new one.
The result is striking: The new project (that I created from the old one with “save as” and then fixed today) created a new file with correct file paths. The old one however created a new project with a file path that is completely unrelated to this part of the project, although in the same parent-folder. How RC got exactly this project (and folder-) name is completely unclear to me. There were a few projects in between and I also used “save as” several times in between. In theory, the error can only be located in entities0.dat or metadata0.dat, since those are the only other two files in the folder and I did not copy those to the new folder when I fixed the problem earlier…