Hi every one ! I’m new in Unreal Engine 4 and reading this tutorial : https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/AI/BehaviorTrees/QuickStart/
But, in my project, i would like that my AI move to some specifics target points on the level. To do this, i’m creating a “BTTask Blueprint Base” called “BTT_AI_Forte_01_NextRoute” for moving my AI to the 4 specifics target points defined in my AI blueprint, but my AI doesn’t move when i launch the game.
The behaviour tree is still on the Update Route node (where “BTT_AI_Forte_01_NextRoute” is defined) and my AI stay at his spawn point…
Some screens of my blueprints :
BTT_AI_Forte_01_NextRoute 1/2 : http://i.imgur.com/3F5wujq.jpg
BTT_AI_Forte_01_NextRoute 2/2 : http://i.imgur.com/qAGu4Zl.jpg
BTD_IA_Forte_01_UpdateRoute : http://i.imgur.com/KtuTp9U.jpg
BT_IA_Forte_01 : http://i.imgur.com/qH3uJro.jpg
If someone can give me some help