BTDecorator packaging error

Getting an error when I try to package, something about a corrupt BTDectorator…

I have no idea what to do about this, any help is much appreciated.

LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: ===
LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: ObservedKeyNames.Num() > 0 [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/AIModule/Private/BehaviorTree/Decorators/BTDecorator_BlueprintBase.cpp] [Line: 67]
LogOutputDevice: Error: Stack:
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb26df0e78 UE4Editor-AIModule.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb26cd74a9 UE4Editor-AIModule.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb3b13d302 UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb3b26d218 UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb3b257897 UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb3b27ceb3 UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb3b27bbc0 UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb34fc8eeb UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb34fb8b0f UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb34fa1d0f UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb35802917 UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb352d3ec9 UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb352d3cd8 UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb35843944 UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffb357fded2 UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dll!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff63cde0e3b UE4Editor.exe!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff63cde10ba UE4Editor.exe!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff63cde40dd UE4Editor.exe!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff63cdf5984 UE4Editor.exe!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff63cdf853a UE4Editor.exe!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffba0e574b4 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction
LogOutputDevice: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffba23e26a1 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction [

Version 4.27.2

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Hi Did you find fix for it ?

Yes I don’t remember exactly how, but I think there was a null value being returned or something inside one of my custom Blueprint Decorators. Fixed the Decorator and it was fine.

Thank you soo much for your response and time. Can you clarify more further if you have time. Was it a blackboard value which was null or custom value in particular decorator ?
But until you reply I am trying to look into it. Will post if get it fixed.

I think the decorator needed at least one public blackboard key. I added a dummy one and it worked.

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