BSP Overlap

I am wondering if overlapping BSP brushes significantly affect the performance of the engine or fps.
As the underlying information on UDK describes, you have to intersect or deintersect. But there is no such option in UE4.

Any thoughts?

“Then use the CSG buttons to add AddButton.gif or subtract SubtractButton.gif the brush. Be careful when subtracting or adding over already existing BSP geometry. To be extra safe you should always Intersect before subtracting and Deintersect before Adding. This will make sure that you do not have overlapping BSP geometry which can confuse the engine.” -

As far as I know it does not. Not significantly anyway. In fact every single UE4 tutorial I’ve seen has the developer overlapping geometry. But with BSP you do have the ability to make sure it does not… which is probably more polished than allowing it to overlap. Also you shouldn’t have a ton of BSP anyway. BSP is for you rough draft more or less and is not as efficient as making actual models.