I have a custom PC build with the following specifications
i9-10th K series processor
32GB Hyperx RAM
3050 8GB Zotac Graphic card
AntSports 700VL SMPS
For some time it goes good but suddenly crashes with error whea uncorrectable error. I tried to run with integrated graphics by removing nvidia and i have put about 20 minutes and worked fine. I updated bios too ( previously it was F7 now updated to latest one which is F10). I don’t know whether its the drivers problem from nvidia ( i have latest studio version) or if its malfunctioning?( this pc build is a year old).
But i don’t think its malfunctioning as temperatures are normal and also, when we build the source, cpu utilization is more close to 90% or 95% and gpu utilization is also less. so i wonder whether nvidia is causing this or drivers or something else. I don’t know what else to check into to test, Thanks for answers