So I have quite a lot of montages and some of them include moving the whole body and some only the top/bottom half of the character. As I wanted them to blend with the current playing animation such as idle, crouch, or sprint I used a “layered blend per bone” node in the animation blueprint, but if I put the division bone to “hips” the whole body montages work great but the only top/bottom half montages do not blend. For instance, if I’m sprinting and try to reload the montage cancels the sprinting animation and just plays the reload montage. And when I set the division bone to “spine” the half-body animation worked great and the other doesn’t work at all. I’ll be lying if I say that I’m asking for help with this one for the first time, but I feel like I just couldn’t explain it properly when I asked the first time. If you need any further information just ask me. Thanks in advance.