broken geometry library

some of my library have broken geometry. what should i do to fix it?


01-Vérifie le fichier source (3ds max / C4d / etc.) pour voir si tu n’as pas un souci de géométrie.

02-Si c’est un import Sketchfab certains modèles sont vraiment pourris.

03-Vérifie ton mode de texturage en « double face » sur Twinmotion.




Good morning.

01-Check the source file (3ds max / C4d / etc.) to see if you don't have a geometry problem.

02-If it's a Sketchfab import some models are really rotten.

03-Check your "double-sided" texturing mode on Twinmotion.




TM version 2023.1.2

Windows 10 Professionnel (version 21H2).

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz.

Carte mère : msi Mag Z490 Tomahawk.

128 Go de mémoire Ram.

Carte graphique Nvidia Geforce RTX 3070.

thank you for your answer. the problem is thats 100% from twinmotion library. i dont export or use anyother software. not even sketcfab library. just open twinmotion and put some chair, table and got some broken geometry. hundred of them just fine, but some got problem. tested on my old computer and fresh installed windows is the same


Thank you for reaching out in the community. From the screenshot provided the issue appears to be a known issue regarding the LOD settings for these assets. Please know we are working to resolve this issue with affected Twinmotion library assets for a future update. In the meantime, fortunately this issue should primarily only affect the viewport and not rendered media. To resolve this issue in the viewport, please go to Edit > Preferences > Quality and set View distance to Ultra. Presentations/VR would also need to use Very high/Ultra quality.

Best Regards,


big thank. wow, now it works. great