Broadcast update : what would be the smart way to do it

Hi Nick,

Not behind Unreal right now (Worldcup : Netherlands vs Spain about to start) :smiley:

I will get as much details ASAP.


you dont worry, spain will win, :rolleyes: (sorry for the offtopic)

  • Do you have any more information about the crash you remember? Logs? (I’ll see if someone can track down the report)

  • As far as I remember it crashed when I changed / make the SunrRef var in GameMode Blueprint.
    I clicked on the arrow and looked for the MySun_C Object

    I will reproduce and send logs ASAP.

  • What does the construction script of the Shape_Cube look like?

  • As far as I can tell nothing in. Just standard cube from IDE with a color material

  • How are you setting up the value of the sun ref variable in the game mode?

  • isn’t this the first picture in my mail above ? … I wil send more screenshots of all the parts
    (or I can send you the whole file)

  • Which version are you on? I made mine at home yesterday on 4.2. Just want to make sure there isn’t a chance of some bug in a different version.

  • 4.2

    I had the Global Lighting on in the config file; but I took this out.

  • Apologies for the difficulties and hopefully we can figure out what’s going wrong, or if I accidentally misled you!

  • No problem; this is part of the fun :smiley:

    We’ll see :smiley:

    Hiw do you did this pase?, becauseif it is dont find the sun…

    Hi Nick,

    Send you a PM with a link to the project.


    Thanks for the files! I was able to open the project without crashing.

    You mentioned above that you tried to reference the sun directly from the GameMode, and that might be problematic. In order to make sure that blueprints are reusable across multiple levels, we only allow the Level Blueprints to directly reference actors in the level. You can still reference the sun in your game mode, you just have to set it through the Level Blueprint like so:

    Give that a shot, and see if you still crash!

    Hi Nick,

    Thanks. I will try it ASAP.

    Oh… how wrong you were :smiley:


    I tried adding a variable of type Actor in a GameMode locally on 4.1 and 4.2, with no crashes. Can you post your stack? Thanks!

    Well…sure… no way of reproducing this error. Works on all machines now :smiley:
    (if it happens again I will post it)


    I have it working now as described:
    With movable objects the frame-rate drops in the single digits. Using Static-meshes when I go to 20.000 objects it has a frame-rate of 30/40 (i7 / GTX 780 / 16 Gb)
    and a little pauze whenever the Event fires.

    Thanks for all the help !

    Hi Nick,

    I have found it. It is not the GameMode.

    I reported the bug. It has to do with changing the Variable Name. It now crashed in an other project.
    I was just adding a Variable; and later tried to change the name; the moment I did that it crashed.

    Awesome, thanks! We’ll take it over in the AnswerHub thread.

    Thanks for share the framerate NanoMind.

    This happen to me in 4.0 or 4.1 i dont remember. But I think that this happen to me when the variable was already casted in another BP.