So I have two characters i made in maya and I have them rigged and animated to fight each other. I want to bring them into Unreal Engine 4 but I am getting an error about having two different root joints. I don’t have the ankle joint parented to the feet joint. I have an ik on the legs and have the ik parented to a nurbs box. Then I have the feet joint also parent to the nurbs box so when i crouch my character the feet doesn’t move. So that is where I think it thinks it has two root joints. I also have the skeleton parented to nurbs curves so I can control my character and animate it easier. I have the root joint parented to a nurbs curb so I am guessing that makes it the root now… When I parent my feet joint to the leg it screws up my mesh for my legs. So I baked my animated to my mesh so now my mesh can move with out my skeleton. When I bring him into unreal it has no importing issue but when I simulate it it doesn’t move and do my animation. I went to the blueprints to put a timeline, unless I am doing that wrong too. I also double clicked the animation that imports and it opens up the window to preview it but as it goes down the timeline nothing happens.
Is there a way I can have my baked animated character move and do it’s animation in unreal? If not can I have a skeleton that is parented to curbs with two root joints? I can try and parent the foot to the ankle so there isn’t two root joints and try and put the mesh back where it is suppose to be.
The reason I want to do this is that I want my character to fight on a tower i made in unreal engine 4 so I can use the engine lighting and use unreal props around it for a little short video. I thought it would be cool to show my characters fighting in unreal because it looks better and can do a lot of stuff with the program. I was doing this to show I can work with maya and unreal and cross them over in the video.
Thanks for your help. I hope there is a way I can bring it in.
I have been trying to bake the keys that is on my nurbs curve to my skeleton but it isn’t working. Would you be able to tell me how? Do you need a picture of my outline and baking settings?
So I bake it but the rig is still attach and when I delete the rig it deletes the rig. I thought it becomes separate after it is baked. When I unparent it spreads it all over the place. Here is an image the circle in from is the parent of all of it. Also I have it setup up as root joint parent to hip nurb control and nurb hip control parent to hip joint, then hip joint parent of lumbar control nurb then lumbar control nurb parent of lumbar joint and the processes the same going forward. Could that be a problem too?
I even connected the foot and it didnt work. Do I have to make a separate skeleton? How did they have their skeleton parented to only other joints but bounded to the nurbs curb? For me to have everything connected I had to parent joint curb joint curb like i said earlier so that I can have stuff bouned and also connected. Does that make sense? Also they are all parented to the nurb circle so it could all move at the same time. When I select hierarchy it also selects the curbs. so when I un parent it, the skeleton goes all over the scene.