Hello, I hope everyone is having a great day. If possible.
I have been a quixel/megascans user for a long time and it has been a part of my daily work flow. I was extremely happy with what we had before, meaning being able to preview, download, export every asset within/from one 3rd party app to any kind of software I use. I completely understand that things need to change, and from developers POV, I get that they want to be secure on their side.
What is going on with the bridge app not working and there won’t be any replacement for it to be used on other softwares? Like I get it, the fab plugin works fine on UE (by fine I mean at least it works, even though the navigation and everything is quite horrible still), but how about other DCC’s? I have been using c4d, and bridge was fine. Now I am expected to manually find the asset I’ve been looking for across thousands of stuff, manually download the geo, textures everything in seperate zips using a browser, extract them, manually bring them into the scene, bring in textures and make materials from scratch? Like what is the whole point behind it other than forcing users to spend 10x more time to create simple things?
I don’t even want to mention how unuseful fab is. Trying to bring everything into one platform has it’s own disadvantages and it shows. Fab plugin in UE is EXTREMELY slow, finding stuff (especially speaking for quixel) is extremely hard, the UI is not fully developed yet so previewing assets or after downloading an asset having forced to go back and browse from the beginning again etc. From a user POV, it’s just horrible.
Honestly guys, if you want to make more money, make everything paid. But don’t make peoples life more miserable than ever with these stuff. Offering no solution for this workflow problem or a replacement/alternative to Bridge app, is just a horrible way of saying we don’t care about our users really. You are basically taking every single reason why we loved quixel in the first place.
As people, we need to be moving forward, not stepping back 10 years with decisions we make.