Bridge 5.5 not recognizing upgraded MetaHumans

I’m getting a message in 5.5 Bridge that I need to upgrade legacy MetaHumans inside MetaHuman creator before I can use them. The thing is, I have upgraded my MetaHumans. The only MetaHuman without this issue is my Mesh to MetaHuman, which I created with 5.4. Any tips on how to get 5.5 Bridge to recognize my upgraded MetaHumans?

As you can see in the above images, I have already downloaded a Medium Optimized version of my “Kendra” MetaHuman. I can’t add her to any project, however, since Bridge is not recognizing that my MetaHumans are upgraded. Io and my Mesh to MetaHuman model do get recognized as upgraded. I’m not sure why that is.

Oh, this is interesting. If I add Io to the project, it adds only empty folders.

The 5.5.1 Hotfix resolved this:

5.5.1 Hotfix Released - General / Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums