G’Day Unrealites,
I am new to UE4, as part of a course I am doing I need to pick an engine and make a mobile game, I chose to do a side scroller in UE4 and I was hoping to get some feedback on my first project from people that know the engine and industry a lot better than I do.
It is pretty simple now and probably won’t get too complicated for the purposes of the assessment, but I plan to keep on working on it after the course to turn it into a full project for release. Most of the assets are temporary and will be refined or replaced, but what is there is a good idea of what I want to end with.
I have built an android version and a win32 version for testing, as well as a not so impressive HTML 5 version, though it still mostly works there it is only for testing anyway.
http://www.drakahn.info/penggamedemo.php Main links are for my home computer in sydney, depending where you are the google drive links may be faster. If I am offline there will only be the google drive links.
So yeah, basically that is it, any ideas, feedback or tips would be wonderful.
Also, on the phone if the player jumps then the character stops walking until the button is let go and pressed again, if there is an obvious fix here I would love to hear it, otherwise I will figure it out I guess.
Keep it Unreal.
Update: I have decided to keep working on this once I have finished the course, when it is finished I plan to have a lot more levels, that are longer, and that cover many different environments (I.E. I was thinking the next environment would be an island one with a turtle boss. )
I also now have started an IndieDB page, I am not good at the marketing side yet but I hope to learn, any tips for any part of the process to becoming someone that can make a living from sole developer or small team game dev, or even asset creation, would be great.
Any further tips to make this current project a successful first game, or even just a good first game, would also be awesome.
Anyone looking for team members for an indie or small game, remember me in a few months when I am free.