Breaking and Array of True/False values apart into smaller pieces.

I have generated a matrix array of booleans (I generate it as widget) that I can click to make a pattern.

After the pattern is made I use FloodFill to validate that it’s correct.

  • No separated squares.
  • All squares need to be connected to each other (has to be 1 continues pattern)


After the pattern is validated I want to write another function that breaks it apart into smaller pieces each of them being 5 squares long, I do that by:

  • Finding first true value in my square array.
  • I get it’s row & col & index in matrix.
  • check that it’s within my matrix bounds, is Clicked, is NOT Visited.

With that I got some separated squares that got trapped by that logic. So I think about trying

  • To check each direction one by one and it’s neighboring square to see if that piece has options to expand. (Only going 1 square away from current index).
  • Prioritze square with lowest options.
  • if current piece has no option to expand then backtrack to previous piece index and go from there ?

That’s what I got so far. Is there maybe a better way to approach this ?