I did this 3D Cinematic in about 3 days as part of my composition and lighting exercise. The plan was to make a still frame render, but I eventually decided to make a sequence with this. Hope you like it.
Wow, that video was crazy It felt immersive and terrifying and overall just - impactful. The music, the camera angles, and (of course) the “roar” are spectacular. However, it’s definitely the lighting and sunrays that bring this scene to such a high-quality level. Incredible work.
Thanks so much for sharing and I hope to see more of your art around the forums!
Nature is so incredibly beautiful that sometimes we forget that nature is equally horrifying! I agree with @PresumptivePanda , the lighting here steals the show!
As this began as an exercise in lighting and composition, what inspired the mighty T-Rex?
Well, I wanted to make a simple composition with proper lighting. While I was looking for some assets in Sketchfab, I came across this T-rex model and I immediately thought of doing this.
I did originally planned to do some other things like, the land vibrating to the footsteps, birds flying away and some land animals running away from the giant. But i settled with this as my mind was slowly diverting to the next cool project that I wanted to do