Brake caliper bones not rotating with wheel bones on Chaos Vehicles (2024)

Can anybody please help me? I’ve tried all the 3 tutorials on YouTube that cover this topic, but none of those fixes work for me. :cry:
I’m trying to get my brake calipers to follow the wheel bone rotation of the front wheels, and nothing works. I’ve added the ‘Add Copy Bone’ node to get the translation, etc.; ‘Add wheel Rotation Percentage’; and ‘Look at’ nodes to my Animation BP in varying combinations, but nothing works.

The model is fully rigged and parented to the correct bones. Wheels and brake calipers have separate bones, and I’m trying to get the caliper bones to follow the rotation of the wheels, but they’re not. Below are the most prevalent fixes that I’ve found on the internet, but none of them work. The calipers just won’t rotate on the Z-axis along with the wheels.

(Applying Look At)

(Applying Percentage of Rotation)

Has anybody figured out how to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. :sob:

Hang on a minute.

Rotation is circular.

So you maybe mean that they arent following your Steering?

English not being an opinion, you would probably find the right result if you use the right keywords too…

Either way, the first thing you ought to do is to make sure they are either attached or weight painted.
From what you are describing it sounds like they are not.

I probably wasn’t clear enough. That’s my bad, but the model is fully rigged and parented to the correct bones. Wheels and brake calipers have separate bones, and I’m trying to get the caliper bones to follow the rotation of the wheels, but they’re not. The screenshots above are the methods that I’ve found online on how to solve this issue, but nothing has worked.

Hence why, its probably badly rigged.

Check your bone names. Make sure that moving them gives you the expected result.
And more importantly make sure that they share the same axis as the wheels.

And this is besides the point, but… wtf are you doing with a separate bone just for the calipers?
They go with the wheel. Always.

Lol they’re suppose to have a separate bone my dude. They can’t have the same bone as the wheel if you don’t want them spinning along with it. Calipers never spin with the wheel, if you’ve ever noticed. Hence the convoluted nodes there in the screenshots to try to get them to emulate the Z-rotation of the wheel while remaining stationary in all the other axis. Unless you know a trick that I don’t know, they’re supposed to have their own.

The model isn’t badly rigged. That would be the first thing to check, of course. Each bone correctly moves the corresponding mesh as expected, and they’re all named appropriately. That’s not the issue here.

Here’s my bone hierarchy

Here’s the naming convention. CFL (Caliper Front Left) is supposed to get rotation from FL (Front Left)

The only thing I’m not clued up on however is the ‘sharing the same axis as the wheels’ part. How/where would I check that?

Solved: I was using the wrong Animation blueprint. I had two in my project, and I was attaching the 1st ABP to the new Pawn I was using. As soon as I switched it out to the current ABP, it worked fine. Completely missed it. Wow. A whole weekend wasted. :man_facepalming:

(I think the initial issue was that the model I imported had the caliper bones parented to the wheel bones, so even though I separated them inside UE, for some reason it didn’t work. I reimported a different model where the two bones were properly separate, but then forgot to switch out the old ABP for the new one.)

Lol, attach to bone. Ignore rotation. Dont be a noob when asking for help…

The calipers - and a car in general - is not organic. There is barely any reason to use bones.

Mind you. They help an advanced setup, but really they don’t.
Especially not the way you did it.
Those are just complete waste of memory.

Socket loc and a single axis Is all you need.

Lol do you even know what you’re talking about actually? You’re just being toxic for no reason. Bones are 100% needed when rigging cars in Unreal. They’re needed for chaos vehicles too. Do you know any of this or are you just being nasty for the fun of it? Thank you for your input.

I know all of it.
And i have several advanced setup chars and space ship vehicles.
The less bones you use, the better off everything is.
In both chaos and PhysX.

The only bones you technically require are the ones for wheels.
Everhing else can be hooked up and driven with constraints since - again - metal does not bend or fold like an organic material.

That’s awesome. You’re a pro. I hope I get to your level of expertise one day. You might consider not talking down to people in need of help in the future. Being condescending and making people feel clueless is the kind of “help” I’ll go without. Again, thank you very much for your input.

When asking for help, maybe be open to receiving help, rather than automatically saying “that’s bull” when you don’t fully understand what was said, the reason behind it, or whatever else about it.

Sure - people online can often troll you, just as you are attemtping and faling misarably at with sarcasm.

That does not excuse the fact you asked for something, got a proper answer, and went full N00b about it.

Matter of fact, it just makes anyone else even thinking about helping just not reply…

Sure big man. Whatever makes you feel justified. Thanks. Bye.