BP weapon component error while playing

Hi everyone, I just created a blueprint animation for my character’s arms (no error message while compiling) and I implemented it to my first person character BP but when I run the game I get this error message: Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetAnimInstance_ReturnValue”. Node: Montage Play Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Weapon Component Blueprint: BP_Weapon_Component"

Apparently this would come from the “montage play graph” node. The problem is that I don’t know what to connect to the return value.

Can you please enlighten me about this? I’m just starting in blueprint :slight_smile:

What is connected to the “Get Anim Instance” node on the left side? (it’s target). The error is pointing towards the animinstance being invalid.

Check that the node to which it’s connected is valid and has an animation instance set. (for instance a character with an anim instance bp)

the node it is connected to is “first person character” (see the new screen print)
I checked the first person character there is the right animation in “anim class”.

ok i found the error : there was no animation selected in “first person mesh” ! thanks it helped me !