BP To Chose Random Item Spawn?

I have an item that I want to spawn in designated areas around my level, I would like for this to be random so it will choose out of several locations where to spawn once it is picked up, I’m not really sure how to do this correctly.

Right now I have 3 blueprints for this whole system; The spawners, the item bp, and an item checker bp basically the item checker will get an array of the spawners then choose randomly from the array and spawn the bp there.

Once its been picked up it will send a message to the checker again for it to spawn somewhere else.

The problems I have are the items are being spawned in more than one location, and they are being spawned multiple times on top of each other.

Here are the blueprints.

I wasn’t sure how to go about this the right way but I figured I’d try get the ball rolling before asking.

Any help would be appreciated thank you!

I suggest watching this stream. They talk about character spawning but the idea applies to your scenario.

Thank you!