BP some pins not working


When I try to drag a wire from node that I pointed with red arrow, It drags out the wire from the node I pointed out with blue arrow. This only happens with those 3 nodes and reference wires connected to them. (2. pic, I drag it from branch and it comes from there) Restarting editor or trying on another compter didnt fix it.

I think its a bug. I deleted those nodes and placed them again, that fixed it. So I thought what would cause this.

To reproduce this:

  1. Place any node to bp
  2. Right click>Collapse to Function
  3. Copy and paste that Function
  4. Expand first Function Node and move it somewhere else
  5. Expand second Function Node
  6. When you drag any wire from first expanded node, it will drag it out from second one.
  7. You can delete that function from Functions tab. It wont fix it.

Hello ,

Thank you for submitting a bug report. I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here \

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