BP: Reparenting from GameModeBase to GameMode makes beginplay stop firing?

[UPDATE: I needed to reparent my game state from GameStateBase to GameState]

Hi, y’all!

  • I’m working in BP on a co-op multiplayer game.
  • I created a game mode that derives from GameModeBase and that has worked pretty well up until now.
  • I was trying to set up functionality for restarting the mission when you fail.
  • I heard there was a function called “Restart Game” but it seems to be on GameMode, not GameModeBase
  • I tried reparenting my game mode class from GameModeBase to GameMode, but noticed a bunch of actor component classes aren’t calling their BeginPlay on clients.
  • When I switch back from GameMode to GameModeBase, the BeginPlay events seem to fire in BP again.
    • Is this expected?
    • Did I miss a checkbox somewhere?
    • Am I approaching the problem wrong?
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