BP Nativization failiures and crashes

(using 4.15.1)
Im trying to nativize a single blueprint, but when building and packaging the shipping build it fails and throws this error:

UnrealBuildTool: H:/Unreal Projects/Game/Intermediate/WindowsNoEditor/NativizedAssets/Source/NativizedAssets/Public/MyCharacter__pf2132744816.h(1688) : Error: Unrecognized type ‘IDamageInterface_C’ (in expression TScriptInterface) - type must be a UCLASS

The above interface is not used by this actor, but including this and a few other interfaces it would crash about would eventually result in a successfull build. However this crash would then happen when starting the game:

Missing import of (/Game/GUI/Options):item_64_8CC9D6DE4E32D2676D68E793B3CFBC11 in Package
/Game/Blueprints/custom_struct was not found, but the package exists.”

When instead trying to nativize a simple AI actor, this error is thrown:

UnrealBuildTool: H:\Unreal Projects\Game\Intermediate\WindowsNoEditor\NativizedAssets\Source\NativizedAssets\Public\MyHud__pf1597674660.h(6): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘HP_BAR_interface__pf2132744816.h’: No such file or directory

The AI actor has no reference or use of any widget HUD or hp_bar interface. The only actor that use or reference these is the player actor or the hud widget. The player actor however is referenced in the AI actor in a collision check where it runs some code if the player collides with the AI actor. It is a simple collision check with a cast to node using a collision box.

I can’t find anything in the documentation that relates to these kind of issues or what could cause them.
I am at a loss with this, any advice on how to proceed is greatly appreciated!
Best Regards

Hello ,

I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any settings/blueprints that may be involved with this issue?


These issues and other occure also in new projects. I’ve compiled a simple test project. The steps for creating this project are:

  1. Create a new fps template project wihout starter content

  2. Setup the project for steam oss, async loading, add a couple of blueprints with some basic functionality, bp interface, struct and basic variables.

  3. Set the player blueprint to be nativized only using exclusive nativizing.

  4. Attempt to make a shipping build from the Project Launcher

The sample project can be downloaded [here][1]

1 The first issue trying to build this with asset nativizing from the Project Launcher is it crashing and complaining about the struct.


2 Lets pretend that structs are unimportant and that we can remove any use of it.


3 Now it will crash and complain about other actors headers missing, that are not set to be nativized. We add and include these actors aswell to be nativized.


4 Finally it will crash and complain about the bp interface not being nativized, so we also include this to be nativized and build a final time.


5 The build is seemingly successful.

6 Finally we try and launch the game executable only to get stuck in a black screen in an unresponsive window. (this is slightly different from my actual project where a error message pops up instead of a being stuck black screen, but the end result is the same.)


Im not sure what the problem is, I don’t believe this is working as intended.
Any steps to build the shipping build and use the nativization is done following the latest documentation.

Thanks for helping out, your assistance is greatly appreciated!
/Best Regards

I tested the project provided and it appears to package out just fine when using the project launcher. I have not made any changes to the project that was provided. Could you download the zipped version of the project that was provided and insure that the issue still reproduces on your end. If so, could you let me know if there are any changes that I need to make to the project provided to reproduce this issue on our end?

Thanks a lot for helping out. I’ve downloaded the file and the steps are as follows:

  1. Unrar file to UE project folder
  2. Open project
  3. Open project launcher in editor
  4. create profile and add/set these build/packaging settings:
    (no settings should have to be removed of the default checked ones)

  1. Project: TestProject
  2. Build: Shipping (UAT checked)
  3. Cook: By the book / Platform: WindowsNoEditor / Cooked maps: FirstPersonExampleMap / Create a release version for the game for distribution (checked and named) / Store all content in a single file (checked) / Cooker build configuration (Shipping) / Additional Cooker Options (-nativizeAssets)
  4. Package: Package and store locally
  5. Deploy: Do not deploy

When I run this I quickly get this crash:

Thanks for your assistance. /Best Regards

Any updates?

Hello ,

I was able to reproduce this issue the project provided. I have written up a report and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I have provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-44123)

Make it a great day

Just to follow up, there are a couple different issues that were spawned off of this one (w/ suggested workarounds):

Once both of those issues are addressed, then we should be able to close out Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-44123).

Thanks for the info/report, hope this helps!