Im trying to replace the shoe on the stand in the gap, instead of other shoes.
Can anybody add to this BP and explain how I can save the position of Shoe and place it back to the same position on revolving stand, my BP skills are bad.
Thanks for the feedback. The Stand is a blueprint, and the shoes are also a blueprint. How do I place the shoes with relative location to the stand and how do I record its relative location using the blueprint I made above? Any chance you could show me what is would like in a Blueprint, thanks?
Thanks for the reply. The Stand BP(called BP_ShoeStand2) is placed in the level. The Shoes BP (called BP_Air_Jordan1) is a separate BP I placed inside the Stand BP folder, so its a child of the Stand BP ( please see screenshot1) I manually placed BP_Air_Jordan1 on BP_ShoeStand2 in the level (is this correct?)
I dont want to run the code from inside the player, I was told its better to run from shoe, as Im using this player in multiple levels, is this correct?
So from inside the BP_Air_Jordan1, what must I add to get the shoe to be replaced in the correct position when it returns to the stand. I tried copying your code above but couldnt get it right. I really dont want to have to redo all the code Ive already done in BP_Air_Jordan1, I was hoping just to add new code to the existing BP_Air_Jordan1 BP so the shoe would be replaced in correct position when returning to stand. I appreciate all the help, I’ve been struggling with this for the last 2 weeks, I’m not good with blueprints.
Thanks, I tried copying this Blueprint, but I simply dont understand how to do this, must I add this code to my existing Shoe BP, or must I make a new BluePrint with this code, cause I have alot of other code in my Shoe BP i dont want to delete which pertains to highlighting shoe, DOF of camera. I dont have the skill to redo the whole BP then add the other code I need. I just need to add some code to my existing BP - ShoeBP posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine
Do you know if this is possible at all. Again apologies for my ignorance, I know very little about blueprints.
When I tried copying your code, I was having problems with the parent variable. Is this a variable that links to the Stand, cause I have a variable called stand, which is the parent to the shoes, but it wont connect to Get Attach Parent Actor, I think because the variable is linked to the stand BP-
That’s right. I used variable type Actor, because that’s what ‘get attach parent actor’ gives, but if you already have a reference, don’t sweat it, just use your current variable