BP Help Please - Cannot replace shoe in correct position on revolving Stand

Hi, Please see my problem here - Shoe Issue3 - Unreal Engine 5 - YouTube

My Blueprint here - ShoeBP posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

Im trying to replace the shoe on the stand in the gap, instead of other shoes.

Can anybody add to this BP and explain how I can save the position of Shoe and place it back to the same position on revolving stand, my BP skills are bad.

Without even reading it, I can say:

The stand needs to be a blueprint, and the shoes are placed with relative location.

When you pick up a show, you can record it’s relative location, then putting it back is easy, no matter what position the stand is in.

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Thanks for the feedback. The Stand is a blueprint, and the shoes are also a blueprint. How do I place the shoes with relative location to the stand and how do I record its relative location using the blueprint I made above? Any chance you could show me what is would like in a Blueprint, thanks?

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There’s a lot of different ways of doing this. Can you tell me a bit about what’s going on?

Did you just put the stand BP in the level and put the shoes BP on it manually?

Or, are the shoes a child actor component of the stand?

Are you trying to run this code inside the player/character etc?

From inside the player, when you pickup the shoes, you can use

to record their position relative to the stand.

When putting them back, the world data you need would be


and then attach them, which I assume you are…

Thanks for the reply. The Stand BP(called BP_ShoeStand2) is placed in the level. The Shoes BP (called BP_Air_Jordan1) is a separate BP I placed inside the Stand BP folder, so its a child of the Stand BP ( please see screenshot1) I manually placed BP_Air_Jordan1 on BP_ShoeStand2 in the level (is this correct?)

The Code is being run from inside the Shoes BP, ie from BP_Air_Jordan1 BP. This is the blueprint running inside BP_Air_Jordan1 - ShoeBP posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

I dont want to run the code from inside the player, I was told its better to run from shoe, as Im using this player in multiple levels, is this correct?

So from inside the BP_Air_Jordan1, what must I add to get the shoe to be replaced in the correct position when it returns to the stand. I tried copying your code above but couldnt get it right. I really dont want to have to redo all the code Ive already done in BP_Air_Jordan1, I was hoping just to add new code to the existing BP_Air_Jordan1 BP so the shoe would be replaced in correct position when returning to stand. I appreciate all the help, I’ve been struggling with this for the last 2 weeks, I’m not good with blueprints.

I’m going to come back to you on this - bit busy rn.

The code is quite different depending on the point of view…

Thanks, appreciate the help.

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Getting there…

Inside the shoes

( I don’t know how you’re doing the detach and attach ).

But this works for me


Please don’t steal my shoe design, it’s copyrighted… :smiley:

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Thanks, I tried copying this Blueprint, but I simply dont understand how to do this, must I add this code to my existing Shoe BP, or must I make a new BluePrint with this code, cause I have alot of other code in my Shoe BP i dont want to delete which pertains to highlighting shoe, DOF of camera. I dont have the skill to redo the whole BP then add the other code I need. I just need to add some code to my existing BP - ShoeBP posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

Do you know if this is possible at all. Again apologies for my ignorance, I know very little about blueprints.

Well, you have manually attached the shoes to the pedestal. ( The pedestal is the parent ).

You must have some way of detaching them, otherwise they would still be revolving after you pick them up?

You literally just put this code in your shoe BP. One part for pickup, the other for put down.

The code will not interfere with anything else.

The remove shoes part goes here


and the other part, here

  • the begin play event, of course…

When I tried copying your code, I was having problems with the parent variable. Is this a variable that links to the Stand, cause I have a variable called stand, which is the parent to the shoes, but it wont connect to Get Attach Parent Actor, I think because the variable is linked to the stand BP-

or is the parent variable just a normal variable. Does it reference anything?

That’s right. I used variable type Actor, because that’s what ‘get attach parent actor’ gives, but if you already have a reference, don’t sweat it, just use your current variable :slight_smile:

( Then you also don’t need the begin play bit ).

SUCCESS!!! I cant believe it. It works!! Thanks so much for your help, you’ve made my month! Thanks again, you’ve been a great help

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Can you do a shot / vid? :smiley:

Thanks again!!

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