Hi! I working in UE5 a lot, especially with BP_globalfoliageactor. All worked okay - I changed any settings and these settings were instantly applied to all trees in the scene and were changed during working in the editor, play or render.
Not sure this is because of update but before ue5.1.1 all was okay, but also this problem appears week ago so a lot of time after updating (maybe it was earlier but I havent use this tool a lot in this month). If you are curious I updated to ue5.1.1 almost after its release.
So problem firstly was:
I change color of the trees in this blueprint - color on the trees changing in the editor, but when press play or render trees getting back to default settings (same with wind).
Now this problem even worse - it dont work even in the editor.
What I made;
- reimported 1 pack of Megascan trees in the project (I hoped it will update blueprint) - nothing.
- tried with clear project - first couple times it worked, then stops. It works fully random, not sure why. So seems it wasnt a problem of only 1 project.
- replaced blueprint from the clear project - nothing.
- tried to change some settings in the scene (not editor itself), like Rtx, lumen, exposure, reflections… - nothing.
- I dont think this is a Nanite but cant be sure. At least in the clear project with default map from Megascans there both nanite and non-nanite trees havent worked.
- I thought there can be any project settings or level bleuprints somehow affecting it (as project file is 300gb+) but clear project doesnt work as well.
How to reproduce (it may work randomly, so not sure you will see it):
Install UE5.1.1 - install any pack of Megascan trees - place blueprint actor in the scene - try to change settings - try to press play or render it. If anything during these steps was wrong - congrats you are with me(
The editor shows 0 errors or says that smth is wrong - when I place version of blueprint from ue4 - it shows some errors. Im a bit scared of reimporting all megascans tree assets, as a lot of scenes will be affected, so if any of you have similar problem - please write to me)