I have a problem where I overlap the actor it only prints: Hello and doesn’t print b and the other object. I’m guessing it’s getting stuck on the cast. any ideas why?
Hi Ori_Playz
I have a strong suspicion that the variable Chuck isn’t being set. Make sure the Chuck variable is valid (using the IsValid checks).
If you’re overlapping an object of Chuck, wouldn’t you want to cast on the “Other Actor” returned from the overlapped event?
I checked and Chunk is valid and no I don’t need the other actor I am using the trigger activation as debugging
From the Chunk variable, get its class and check to make sure it is type Chunk or derived from them. If its not a chunk, then you will not be able to cast to it.
How are you setting the variable? Are you sure you’re storing the correct object?
It’s saying that its class is Blueprint; how?
I did some research on casting and the way I was doing it incorrectly. I was giving it the class by accident. Sorry for your wasting time I feel like an idiot.