BP-friendly Delegates with Subsystems

What are some alternate delegate types that are BP supported?

I have my own custom API subsystem but so far I figured out how to send data but not retrieve it.

Here is the code for pushing " //Update Custom Character Data
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = “Character Creation”)
void UpdateCharacterMeshAndHair(FString UserSessionGUID, FString CharName, FString Mesh, FString Hair);
void OnUpdateCharacterMeshAndHairResponseReceived(FHttpRequestPtr Request, FHttpResponsePtr Response, bool bWasSuccessful);
FNotifyUpdateCharacterMeshAndHairDelegate OnNotifyUpdateCharacterMeshAndHairDelegate;
FErrorUpdateCharacterMeshAndHairDelegate OnErrorUpdateCharacterMeshAndHairDelegate;"

How would you retrieve the data we just pushed?

If I’m understanding you correctly, you want to bind to the delegates that you’ve declared?

So say…

UpdateCharacterMeshAndHair(...) does what you want it do, and then you broadcast that info with OnNotifyUpdateCharacterMeshAndHairDelegate.Broadcast(...)

Your interested class(es) should bind an appropriate function to your delegate OnNotifyUpdateCharacterMeshAndHairDelegate in advance of the broadcast, and then do whatever it wants to do with the event?