Hi, I’m having a bit of bother concerning the HUD tutorial.
I’m using the fp HUD tutorial to create a HUD and inventory for a 3rd person game, using the ASP Character. I’m aware that there is a bit of trouble concerning visibility of variables in the 4.6.1, and have been scrupulous on making variables visible, and have had no problem with that so far.
As in the HUD tutorial I have the following up in the GameHUD widget: Event Construct, Get Player Character, Cast To (in this case ASP_Character), and SET
I noticed that in the tutorial the “Cast To MyCharacter” gets a “As My Character C” while my “Cast To ASP_Character” gets a “As ASP Character”, does this in anyway help in identifying what the problem is? or is it a red herring
I get the following error on the SET value of My Character: “Error This blueprint (self) is not a GameHUD_C, therefore ‘Target’ must have a connection”.
I take this to be because it is calling itself and needs an external reference, I’m unable to figure out what I have to do here to get it to work properly. I’m new to this so the problem has me thoroughly stumped.
Edit: It is fair to note that if compiled, the error disappears, but as I’m very new to this, my concern is that this error may have an unwanted effect in a more complex set-up
hope you will excuse the rambling nature of the question
Edit: This error pops up every time I use “Get Player Controller”
Edit 2: Having checked the tutorial project that is downloadable, I see the same error message. So it seems that this is an inherent problem to 4.6.1
Edit 3: I’m unsure what the nature of this is, and how it will affect the BP programming, so I have to amend the question to the following: Is it safe to ignore the error, and if not, what should I do to correct it?
Edit 4 It seems to be safe to ignore this. Unless it has an impact on how your character is able to interact with items in some way. I’ll go for it being safe since the compiler removes the error tabs.