BP does not work with multiple instances of the object?

I’m attempting to modify a note in order to allow me to use 1 BP and Widget for every note. While it is displaying different notes only one Instance of the note will actually allow me to close the widget. Other instances while they will give back player control and lock the mouse again, they don’t remove the widget. I’ve tried multiple things including a less than optimal way of saving the reference to the widget in multiple different variables depending on the value of the note, but that didn’t seem to function either. If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this it would be very appreciated.

Code for the BP object:

Code for the WB:

On your get all actors of class node, you’re pulling off a get copy node. This only access index 0, you need to do a for each loop, and call the put down note function for each one. (For each loop will loop through your array of notes (created with the get all actors of class) if you call the put down function in the loop it will solve your problem)

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Oh my gosh thank you so much :pray:

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