BP actor and animations blending - how do I put it all together ?

I have a BP actor with child actor component. BP actor moves on a spline and child actor component is an actor with several anims.

(those drones that fly by are child actors of a BP actor that slides along the spline; I want to make them bank or do a barrel using anims baking left or right, or spinning a barrel anims)

If I want to blend one anim of my child actor (non-player, non-AI) into another anim (flying-idle anim into bank left or right anim), keep it in that other anim for some time (keep it in the banking anim), and then blend it back into original anim (into fly-idle or into spinning barrel), what do I need to use? (I am not sure whether I need to make state machine or anim montage or something else)

Would that be correct to say that I should call BPI from BP and the have BPI event on anim BP (or whatever I should be using) that leads to animations switching/blending ?

Basically I have actor, I have code is responsible to “command” what needs to be done and when and I have skeletal model with anims. And I have no idea where to start to make it happen :frowning:

Thanks beforehand

You’ve choices and I won’t even talk about the new animation blending they added on 4.15 mostly because I’ve not experimented with it yet…

So I personally stay away from my AnimBluePrint when possible…But it is a choice if you plan on using this a lot. If you have a State that they will need a new “Idle” for (like falling in the air) then create a looping animation and the condition in which they’ll switch to this as their new “Idle” then simply adjust the blend time in and out of this New State/Idle… done…

But since I stay away from that (cause I like all my control in my Player BluePrint) I would Play that same looping animation as a Montage with a blend in and when the Event is called for it to stop simply play the next anim Montage with a decent blend as well to smoothly go from one to another…You may need an animation to before the looping part depending on the animation Idle you’re playing but just use an Anim_notify to call the next animation when it reaches the end of the intro animation…could use the same for an outro if needed…

Luckily UE4 is flexible so there’s plenty of ways to skin a cat (please don’t skin cats…it’s just weird)…

So basically what you are saying is that Anim Montage with Anim Notifiers is what I need to use for my purpose ?

Yeah it’s how I’d likely do it… There are small cases in which I’d use my AnimBP (like aiming a Bow and Arrow) but 9/10 it’d be a Montage and Notify…

I’ll try, thanks.

So, apparently anything animation related requires animation blueprint. And on top of that there doesn’t seem to be a way of blending montage anims.

From reading more docs and watching youtube it is my understanding that I need the following things to be able to do what I need:

Skeletal Mesh
Anim sequences
Blend space
Animation blueprint with state machine

So I’d feed float (amount of blend from fly anim to bank anim) to animation BP to make it happen.

Is that correct ?

If it is, how does anim BP state machine correlates to blend space ? From what I understand conditions to switching states are more like on and off (via bool for example).

The animations in montages don’t blend (inside) but you can blend from state machines to montages and vice versa and also blend between multiple montages.

If you want to use blend spaces you usually do something in the event graph/update animation tick and use those variables in the anim graph.

Do you happen to know of any decent tutorials about this? (all tutorials are the same, about third person character driven by player’s input) I can’t wrap my head around this seemingly simple task :confused:

I see you’ve updated this with a video…if you’re only animating planes you could use Timelines to do something like a spin…just add rotation to the component until it’s done a full spin…You could likely get away with a lot of your animations from just Timelines with as few bones (if any) that you have in the mesh you are animating…

I could just use rotation lerping and avoid animation stuff altogether, but the point is not only get it done, but learn animation, because I might have to add more stuff to it and simply rotating actor in BP isn’t going to be enough.

Someone in Discord UE4 chats explained to me how it all works and I had it solved (rough draft for now, but I’ll build up on it):

Used 1D blendspace and anim BP.

Now I am facing another issue. Even though those 2 drones are different actors, they use the same model/anims and thus they bank synchronously. How can I make them bank at different times and different amount?

Here is my current setup: