BoxTrace Problem

Hello all, I recently asked of this problem but not sure if people understood what i was asking so i made a short video displaying the problem.

A couple of possibilities, first thing to try, set the start and end locations to different setting, just add 1 to the end location, if both start and end are the same overlaps might not trigger, used to be an issue, might have resurfaced? also you are checking for world static objects, just wondering if the collision settings have revered to default or removed custom setting during transfer messing up collisions, are you printing results before the check for the interface? if so the walls and floor should show up, so suspect the first issue, try a trace start off from way behind and ending at the current location to check if trace collision requires overlap rather than working with objects already within the trace box.

Woow thank you so much just adding 1 to y vector made every thing work again, any idea why it does this? Weird how exact same code works in one engine and not the other cause i would have never figured this out.

Thanks again Bob