Trying to make a box fight map and for some reason no matter what settings i change when i kill someone the roudn will not end and we just keep respawning. How do I make it so we dont respawn after killing eachother and the round ends and starts a new round?
Check this thread, the last man standing stuff may help
My problem is it’s a 2v2 map but if I use a player counter not sure how to make it so if there is only 1 person left of the duo or both people left of duo alive the round will end
I would like to make it so they don’t respawn and start spectating as well
Use a Player Counter for each team, with a target value of 0,
Activate the End Game Device by both Player Counters on Count Succeeds, either one ends round when count hits 0.
It should end game with winner and loser as long as you have in Island Settings
Time Alive Team Tracking Method - Longest
Time Alive Start Point - Round Start
Round Win Condition - Time Alive
Also in Island Settings to get no respawns and spectator
Turn on, Spawn Limit - 1
After Last Spawn Go To - Spectating
Allow Spectating Other Teams - Allowed
im not sure why but that sounds like it should woek and i thought that was my issuie but for some reason it is still always respawnning
actually ive noticed that did work if i loaded into game with 2 people on one side and no one on the other side but if i load into the game with people on seperate sides it doesnt realzie when the other team is dead and just kleeps respawning them
Are you using Teams Settings Devices or Class Designers ?, they need thier Spawn Limits set too, cause they override Island Settings