Box Trigger Widget Fade in & Out

End Result:
I want to be able to walk up to the Cube with a trigger box and a widget fades in and stays on screen and once I walk away from it, it fades out. I as well want the animation to work over and over not play once on the first time and not work the rest of times I walk into the box trigger.

When I walk up to the Cube the animation plays for the fade in and once I walk out just disappears (Watch Video | Also I don’t have a fade away right now I know how to do it though.). After that when I walk into the trigger box the animation doesn’t play anymore.

What I think / Anything Else:
I think it doesn’t play the animation after because it played the animation already so it needs to be reversed. I thought I could do an event tick to check when I leave the triggered area by doing a boolean. Then I thought there is probably a more efficient way. There is I think, but I don’t know how this guy did it (Credit to WSimpson)


My Project:

Your issue is that you’re doing a “remove from parent” after ending overlap. This definitely won’t let it fade.
If you already have your animation You want to set your animation in the widget as a variable, similar to this post: link text

Once you have your animation setup, before doing a remove from parent, you want to play the animation with a -1 to play backwards aka fade out and then add a delay node to however many seconds your animation is