box trigger only fires on second overlap?


im trying to make a simple door and it works just fine except it only gets triggered to open the second( and consecutive ) time my player character overlaps the box?

im not sure why this is happening but the overlap event gets ignored the first time i overlap the box trigger and only starts working the second time.

im not sure im explaining right so i added a video.

You need to cache the position data upfront otherwise you will get bad results in the timeline. Unified the door logic a bit and made the movement data driven with an offset for both doors.

Could you share your code?

You might be using a Do Once node that starts closed while it shouldn’t, and gets reset after the end overlap event, or something similar.

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okay. i cached as you suggested, raven. the behaviour is the same though. the overlap event only triggers the second time i run through the box. it’s fine after that.

here’s the entire graph, vis.

here’s a video with the new graph. it still only triggers on the second time.

What does your timeline curve look like? Is it a float from 0 → 1 values over the set time?

Add a debug via F9 to the overlap and check if something else is triggering a reverse before the character gets there.


yup. just 0-1.

if i print a string on begin and end it looks like the first time i walk through the box trigger it fires both begin and end simultaneously. im using 5.44.

Following what @3dRaven hinted at - Print the Display Name of either Other Actor or the Other Comp. What does it read? I bet it’s the door wing sliding away that triggers the TL’s Reverse. Just guessing.

You can consider casting to the native Character class so it’s only the character that can trigger the animation. Ideally, though - you’d handle it with collision responses.

hm, yeah, it seems to be the blueprint itself. i wonder why it only does it on the first instance.

yup. i turned off generate overlap events on the two door meshes. now it’s working.

thank you everyone. :v:

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