I’ve been scratching my head for a couple of days… any thoughts please mes amis?
Just a bit of background: the Player Pawn quickly interpolates to the Spring Arm rotation, so it’s a spring arm leading setup (player controls spring arm pitch and yaw, with roll interpolating to zero roll). This bit works really well.
Here is the thing: to help avoid the camera clipping into the level geometry, I’m trying to put a nice tight Box Trace between my Camera and Pawn, stretching forward in the direction of the camera’s movement. My thinking is that, as obstacles hit the trace, the Spring Arm will just gradually pull tighter to the pawn, and expand to normal Target Arm Length when no obstacles intersect.
Here’s the puzzling bit: I have a Start and End points of the trace (the BP bits in green) figured out, and the camera velocity is solved too. It’s how to apply these to the Box Extent and Box Orientation (the BP bits in red) that have me puzzled. Basically, I’m aiming for a tight fitting 10cm10cmSpringArmTargetLength box (solved), projecting in the direction of camera movement (solved). orientated to the rotating spring arm (mystery).