Box Collision vs Static Mesh simple collision (the static mesh is a box)


for my flamethrower effect I wanted to use a collision that would scales over time in the forward axis (X)

I can use a Box Collision positioned at the edge of a scene component:

or a static mesh that would just be a box with the origin on one face (-X axis), so that it scales in the other direction. It would use simple collision that would be added in the Static Mesh editor.

Which is more performant?

What this effect is for? Best performance is GPU collision (not sure how it changed in ue5).

This may give some ideas. Ages ago (for ue 4.12) i made flamethrower weapon:

  • used GPU collision (that was whole reason for flamethrower), however back then if something was not rendered it did not collide with gpu collision
  • then i added fire/stream of burning particles in general direction of flamethrower
  • when particle collided with floor or wall i spawned burning napalm particle that was stuck to surface for few sec (short life span)

GPU collision? I thought all collision was CPU based.
What I do is lerp the scale of the collision box between 1 (default) and the target scale. Then I pass this variable to the niagara so that the GPU particle travelled distance in the X axis follows the collision box.

Still, the question is what is more performant, a box collision object or a static mesh object with simple collision (not complex collision).