I’m working through a tutorial where a blueprint class is made. The blueprint consists of a wall light and a box collision. Using the OnComponentBeginOverlap and EndOverlap Events, the visibility of the light is toggled on and off. I was able to get this working for a first person character, but the light only toggled when I was on the edge of the collision. I was also able to get it working in the level blueprint with a trigger volume, not a box collision. When I try to use a trigger volume in a blueprint class, I don’t see any edges for it. Why is it only triggering on the edges, and why can’t I use a trigger volume in a blueprint class?
I am not sure what you mean by triggering only on the edge, but lets try explaining it.
In an actor it is called a collision box and it acts as a trigger box as well.
The BeginOverlap event only happens when you go from not overlapping to overlapping. If you are overlapping it will never fire again before you leave the ovelapping area and cause the EndOverlap event to fire.
By overlapping on the edge I mean that it is acting as if it were a hollow box. As I walk into the trigger area the light turns off. If I keep walking into the trigger area until no part of the character overlaps with the boundary, the light turns back on.
Then maybe you made the trigger hollow? There is a setting for that. Just search for it.
I searched for it and couldn’t find it for the box collision. However, I did find one for a regular trigger volume.
So? Did it work?
No, the trigger volume doesn’t work for me in a class blueprint.
I had a similar problem. I was using “toggle visibility” instead of “set visibility”. Set visibility worked for me.
How the h did you get that issue from the description he provided? Also, toggle should work, but that method is indeed more stable.
Thank you, this worked perfectly. I’m going through the old official tutorials on YouTube, and they have an older version which causes some confusion.