I am trying to create simple use mechanics where the objects change color when player gets close enough and press a button (E). I got everything working but I run into problem with “proximity detection”. I set up a collision box around the object which should detect whether the player is close enough to press E to change the color, but the “On Compoment Begin Overlap” detects the player even tho he didnt yet got into the box collision compoment of the interactive object (in the picture).
In the pictue you can see that player is not yet standing in the box collision compoment of the cube yet I can change its color by pressing E. No changes (except material) was made to ThirdPersonCharacter.
I spent hours of trying and googling but without any succes tho I think its some triviality I missed. I also try to set the collision presset on the box collision to “Overlap only Pawn” as someone sugested.
Please, see picture bellow for BP.