Box collision and sphere collision on one actor blueprint


I want to have a box collision for the collision of attack moves with the sword and one sphere collision for detecting when I stand near to the sword while its lying on the floor, to pick it up on keyboard input.
When I implement sphere and box colission my box collision isnt working any more.
This is a sword blueprint:

How can I fix this?

Can you show the code for the collisions?

(I renamed the Sphere to PickUpCollision for understandability).
In the swordBP, which is the parent of every weapon, this is my swordCollision event:

For the pick up/drop this is my code in the third character blueprint:

My immediate thought is, it’s a good idea to check what actor or component you’re getting in all these areas. What is overlapping? Is it a pawn, is it your other collision, etc?

What have you traced to? Check you have located the right kind of object before working with it. And so on.

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I am not sure if i understood your answer correctly. The swordCollision (the collision when attacking enemys for example) is working perfectly. Now I wanted additionally to add the pick up/drop weapon system. For this to work, I added the PickUpCollection (SphereCollision) which indicates the radius, from where I can pick up the weapon when lying on the floor. This worked perfectly as well, but unfortunally this kinda “deactivated” my sword collision. My animations are still working, but the Notify with the damage state in the AnimationMontage doesnt trigger any more.

I think your collisions are interfering with each other.

What about removing the pick up collision when you pick the sword up?

That sounds like a good idea. How can I do this? I’ve never done this before, been working with Unreal for a few days…

Just drag off the a reference to the collision sphere and search for a ‘destroy component’ node :slight_smile:

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