Bounce threshold velocity setting seems not doing anything

What I’m trying to achieve is to get rid of redundant objects bounciness. Even if their restitution set to 0 they bounce too much on high speeds. The Bounce Threshold Velocity setting should help me with this (and it did when I used UE4.27.1), but it seems that if doesn’t affect physics at all, on any values 300 or 300000.

Is this a UE5 bug?

Checked in UE 5.2, doesn’t work either.


Sorry for bump. Is there anyone who has similar experience? I’m trying to make some physical objects less bouncy on high speeds for better player experience (since one of them is a controlled pawn). Maybe there are some dependencies in the new Chaos physics engine which I’m missing?

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I’m having the same issue too… there seems to be very little options for either dampening or even completely killing bounciness in Chaos vehicle physics… unless I’m missing something?

in UE 5.5.1 is same. Looks it nothing do (Bounce Threshold Velocity).

Max angular velocity only work. Making it small. Ball stops roling wery fast. But bounces it not affect…