Few months ago i made a game for the 72h event, it didn’t go well, so I left the project, but recently a lot of people are asking me if I could start working on it again.
The game is a simple Pong in 3d, your objetive is to bounce the ball to the other side of the tube, each bounce rises the ball speed.
Recent Video:
here’s the video of the game I posted for the event
At the beginning I had a lot of problems with ball passing through coliders, so i scripted whole ball physics based on it’s location, unfortionatly my script wasn’t perfect(the ball didn’t care on the hit angle), you’ll problably see it on the video, It’s almost fixed now.
Recently I’m working on level design, It’s much less depressing than the original
Development plan:
-Multiplayer (these will be my first steps in that subject)
-Better physics
-Android version
-Pick ups ( positive and negative pick ups will be spawned in the middle of the tube , player will have a special power to attract them)
I’ll probably think of something more during the production :).
the idea, to use deph of field focused on ball didn’t go well, it accualy ruined the hole gameplay, i’m thinking about adding static(won’t change in time) depth of field, it would look like in the picture:
At the moment there’s only Single Player with one game mode, but Multi Player works pretty well in the editor, unfortunately I still have some problems making a server search list and I don’t have a master server.
I recorded a new gameplay today to show how smoothly it works now.
I’ve added Wall mode, you can access it in the Single Player menu
Wall mode info
-there are 2 types of scoring system Bounces and Points
-Poaints are gained with hitting the target board at the other end of the tube
-Center gives 100 points and gains our combo by one
-2. Ring gives as 50 points, combo won’t change
-3. Ring gives as 25 and zeros combo
-4. Black ring gives as 0 points and zeros combo
-the ball still goes faster each time we bounce it, but it has no speed limit
I also fixed the bug with ball getting through the walls.