Bounce back when hit obstacle


I’m trying to make a “bouncy” obstacle where when the player hits it, it is thrown back with a fixed speed, but when the player hits it while jumping, it goes crazy at a much higher speed.

Here is a video explains :
[video link][1]

and the blueprint:

You could try checking XYOverride and ZOverride, since otherwise the launch force is added to the current velocity, which might result in those glitches. Other solution could be to zero out the player’s velocity.

It might also be an idea to add a cooldown to the bouncing actor. Simplest solution would be a “Do Once” right after casting, and then after launch you add a Delay-node that you then connect to Reset on the Do Once. That way you don’t risk having the actor trigger another bounce before the player has been pushed away

I tried everything you said, but without success