Both "Create Instance" and "Load Level Instance" nodes always cause a "same GUID" load error. How to avoid?

The level I am instancing contains just a landscape, but whenever I create more than one instance of it, it works but I get load errors complaining that the second landscape instance has the same GUID as the first, and it wants me to save it as a separate file (defeating the purpose of instancing?) and more troublingly, the [distance-LOD is messed up][1] (I can’t be sure this last problem is a direct result but it seems likely that landscapes sharing GUIDs would cause them to share LOD transitions and cause that effect)

This is all versions of Unreal, from at least 4.18 to current [UE 4.22 at time of this update]

The error message:

Landscape_1 Landscape Landscape_1 of /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_0_A0_LevelInstance_29 has the same guid as Landscape_1 of /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_0_A0_LevelInstance_30. /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_0_A0_LevelInstance_30.Landscape_1 has had its guid automatically changed, please save /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_0_A0_LevelInstance_30!

Here is an example of a script that will produce this error:

I’ve tried every method of level instancing, with and without World Composition, level blueprints vs actor blueprints, playing Selected Viewport vs Standalone, etc. I can’t find any way to not get this error.

Any idea how I should proceed? Or any way to confirm whether this is working as intended and it is safe to build on a foundation that throws out these errors?


Update: It has been added to the bug database, and you can vote there to let them know that this issue affects you: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-72811)

I do the same thing in C++ and have the same warning.
Evertyhing seems to work, but those warnings are annoying, did you find a solution ?

I never found an answer or solution. As you describe, it does all seems to work ok but I’m stuck with the errors. (I’m generating about 50 instances so it really spams the log)

Ok, I ended up building the engine from the source and commenting the log lines in Landscape.cpp.

There’s no solution for this yet? Been running into a lot of this lately.

This is still a problem in 4.19.2 . Any chance we can get a solution on this? Or a comment?

also have this problem! any solutions found by anyone?

Hey guys drag Get World Asset Package FName of the Create Instance function and then use that name to call Load Stream Level

Which version of Unreal are you using? I cant seem to find this ‘Load Stream Level’ node, only Load Level Instance by Name of Object Reference…

I now see it is available in the level blueprint, however I need to get this node working in an actor…

I’ve implemented this now and it didn’t help with the GUID errors. Can anyone with landscape GUID errors confirm if they were able to resolve their errors this way?

There is now a bug report in the database. You can track progress and/or vote that it matters to you here:

Update: It’s now marked FIXED. I don’t know if that means it’ll be in the next hotfix, or the next version of UE.