My Boss AI NPC’s are not targeting the player that activates that mutator zone. Instead they just target one particular player for the entire game and every boss just teleport to that one player instead. Is there any way to fix this?
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }BossDevice := class(creative_device):
PlayerChar : ?agent = false @editable Bossprop : creative_prop = creative_prop{} @editable Zonedevice : mutator_zone_device = mutator_zone_device{} ProptranslationAxis : vector3 = vector3: X := 0.0 Y := 0.0 Z := -1.0 OnBegin<override>()<suspends>:void= Zonedevice.AgentEntersEvent.Subscribe(OnTriggered) OnTriggered(Agent: agent):void = spawn{FollowPlayer()} FollowPlayer()<suspends>:void = loop: Sleep(0.01) if (PlayerList := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers(), FortCharacter := PlayerList[0].GetFortCharacter[]): Playerpostion : vector3 = FortCharacter.GetTransform().Translation Proptranslation : vector3 = Bossprop.GetTransform().Translation VectorToPlayer : vector3 = Playerpostion - Proptranslation RadiansVectorToPlayer: float = ArcTan(VectorToPlayer.X, VectorToPlayer.Y) - (PiFloat / 2.0) NewRotation : rotation =MakeRotation(axis := ProptranslationAxis, AngleRadians := RadiansVectorToPlayer) Bossprop.MoveTo(Playerpostion, NewRotation, 1.0) else: break