Boosting or Dashing from nothing. Zero help anywhere else.

Hi everyone. I’m trying to make my Boost/Dash activated only by a push of a button and to send the player going/get them to their max Dashing regardless of the players previous speed. Think how a Mushroom in Mario Kart always will lerp you too the “dash” speed even at a standstill, or the Boost in Modern Sonic games.

I run into an issue with Unreal where there’s zero help on how to make a character Dash from nothing. I ALWAYS need to have the character moving just a little bit, I want them to be able to Boost and go up to that speed only based on the button being held and go back to “normal” speeds when the button is released (barring if they touch a wall or something of course, the engine already handles that) completely lost.

for context I guess here’s a clip of how it works in newer Sonic games from a standstill.

You can either set velocity for the character movement component, or use the launch character function.

You could also change the acceleration settings for the character movement component to allow the player to accelerate faster.

I’ve got that part down, I managed to get him to be nudged forward on setting their velocity, but, then, he just stands there if button is being held. I’m wondering what I’m doing wrong to get him to consistently be having speed and velocity and acceleration all set to something when Boosting. Here’s a screenshot of currently the set up I have.

For me your best option would be to use the Launch Character function :

To change the vector multiplication node, right-click on the input node → to float, you also can convert this value into a variable if needed. Don’t hesitate to use high values tho like in the screenshot.

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I ended up converting what I had into a function and applying/toggling at Tick. It got the character to smoothly slide across the ground as long as I was holding the button and I set up some smooth lerping downwards back to the speed caps and acceleration of not moving.

Because without Tick, there wasn’t any way to constantly apply force or a velocity to the player that I know of currently.