Hi, you can activate the “is homing” in the projectile Movement Actor component for the returning of the boomerang to get a nice curve you may need to add force or change the projectile direction on hit.
Hi, I am making a boomerang weapon which is a dagger that can be aimed and thrown, after which it starts spinning horizontally (like a propeller) and moving in a straight line untill it hits any pawn.
What I want it to do is to continue moving after hitting the enemy pawn, say, on the shoulder, and slowly return to the player location with a curve to the side (like a boomerang would) even if the player has changed his location since time of throw.
Note: My dagger blade is and will be modelled as an actor with a static mesh rather than projectile so I cannot use the “homing projectile” behaviour built into Unreal for this. Much thanks in advance.
Like Ikav said, you’ll need a little extra to get the nice curve.
I think it’s easiest to turn your projectile back around towards yourself once it hits an enemy, but you’ll have to constantly update your velocity because the projectile movement speed doesn’t change direction with your projectile.